There’s No Need for Ineffective “Qualifying Statements”
By Skip La Cour
Success and Leadership Coach
Creator of the MANformation Personal Development Program for Men
Simply Make Your Point with Confidence
“Qualifying Statements” are safe buffers people say before the REAL point they want to make.“I know you might not agree with me on this but…..” and “Now, I know you are going to think this is crazy but….” are examples of qualifying statements.
The Alpha male never offers qualifying statements before making his point anticipating resistance or disapproval. He confidently speaks his mind and just assumes what he says will be met with approval.
Just say what you want to say. Qualifying statements will not produce the outcome you want no matter how noble your intentions may be. They only weaken your position, make you appear uncertain, and open the door to resistance from the person or people you are talking to. If they don’t agree with you point of view, so be it for now.
The MANformation course, “The Mindset and Actions of a Power Alpha Male Leader,” is awesome because you won’t feel the need to qualify any of the power and strength you get from it. Go here to learn more about this life-changing challenge.
Do You Have Questions? Concerns?
Email me directly at skip@skiplacour.com or just pick up the phone and call me at (213)973-8790.