Meet Jay. Watch his transformation. Watch me get in shape for my 59th birthday in about 5 weeks. Come along and enjoy the journey with us.
Why haven’t you taken advantage of this amazing offer below yet? The next level is waiting for YOU.
Back and Biceps Workout Back
Barbell Rows – 3 sets – 6 to 8 reps
Lat Pulldowns (Medium grip) – 2 sets – 6 to 8 reps
Cable Rows (Vbar) – 2 sets – 6 to 8 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Rows – 2 sets – 6 to 8 reps
Biceps Barbell Curls – 2 sets – 6 to 8 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Curls – 2 sets – 6 to 8 reps
Hammer Curls – 2 sets – 6 to 8 reps
Why haven’t you taken advantage of this amazing offer below yet? The next level is waiting for YOU.
31 Exercise Instructional Videos and Much More. Be Sure To Scroll Down This Page.
Already a member? Go here to enter.
Get instant, lifetime access to the information you need to succeed and I’ll contact you within 24 hours to set up our private, one-on-one phone coaching session . . .

The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
Here’s Everything You’ll Get:
✔️ Workouts for Older Men Training Routine
✔️ 31 Exercise Instructional Videos
✔️ Training Log Sheet
✔️ “Biggest Challenges and Solutions” 90-Minute Video Presentation, and
✔️ 12-Module 11-Hour Audio Coaching Experience
Limited Time Bonus
One-On-One Coaching Session with Skip La Cour
For a LIMITED TIME, you’ll get a private, one-on-one coaching session on the phone directly with Skip La Cour when you take action now. (Watch the video below)

Workouts for Older Men Training Routine #1 Will Help Get You Clear and Focused!
✔️ Workouts for Older Men Training Routine – 5-Day Split (Less than 45 minutes a session)
✔️ 31 Exercise Instructional Videos
✔️ Log Sheet To Help You Measure Your Progress
Watch This Video!
In this video, I explain how and why I created this comprehensive program specifically for men who are a little older and lead busy, productive lives.
I tell you exactly how your one-on-one coaching session with me, the 12 modules loaded with specific, detailed training, eating, mindset, and sustainable lifestyle strategies, and the “Top 10” bonus video will get you to a higher level much faster than trying to figure it all out by yourself.
The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
✔️ Your USERNAME and PASSWORD will be emailed to you right away. Look for an email with the subject line: Congrats! You’re Registered.
✔️ I will contact you by email right away to set up your one-on-one coaching session with me. Look for an email with the subject line: Hi! It’s Skip La Cour (personal email)
You’ll Get Private, One-On-One Coaching Time With Me To Ensure Your Long-Lasting Sustainable Success!

The time that you and I will spend on the phone during our private, one-on-one coaching session will be the most powerful part of this process. It will make the biggest impact. Imagine what it will be like to finally have a conversation about your personal fitness goals with someone at your level and even higher for a change.
This is when I’ll use my over 30 years of coaching experience to learn all about you. I find out exactly where you are in the process right now. I’ll ask you some skilled questions to discover exactly what you want to achieve.
You can watch dozens and dozens more videos on the internet but you’ll be lucky if any that match your current level of knowledge without including all of the things you already know and all of the things you don’t need to know. Who has time for that?
For those reasons, this one-on-one coaching session is an extremely effective and efficient use of your willpower, focus, energy, and time. It can literally save you hundreds of hours of time that you won’t waste, effort that won’t go in the wrong direction, and confusion that you won’t suffer through.
If you’re like many of the men who I coach, here’s what we’ll more than likely cover during our coaching session. We can always add or take away items when it’s appropriate to do so:
✔️ I’ll assess where you are now and get you clear about what you’ll need to do next.
✔️ I’ll find out what you think you’ll need to do make your fitness/body goals happen. I’ll make sure you’re going in the right direction. I’ll validate what you’re doing well. I’ll help you make corrections when needed.
✔️ I’ll help you build muscle. I’ll learn about your current level of training knowledge and help you build upon it. I’ll help you create a specific training program that’s right for you that’s sustainable for your lifestyle. I’ll make sure your training knowledge and standards will get you into the “Top 5%” among older men (if that’s what you’re after).
✔️ I’ll help you take control of your eating habits. I’ll help you lose the stubborn body fat. This is where most men need the most help. It’s their #1 challenge. I’ll learn about your current level of nutrition knowledge and help you build upon it. I’ll help you create a specific eating plan for you that’s sustainable for your lifestyle. I’ll make sure your nutrition knowledge and standards will get you into the “Top 5%” among older men (if that’s what you’re after).
✔️ I’ll answer as many of your specific questions as time permits. The chances are great that everything I can’t answer during our one-on-one time together will be answered in the 12 module 11-hour audio coaching experience and bonus video.
✔️ Our conversation will be recorded and you’ll get the mp3 sound file to listen to and learn from over and over again during the weeks and months to come.
Gary Lost 58 Pounds! “I Was All Over The Place”

I’m not much for words but I would like to say I was all over the map looking for answers on what’s good for older guys’ workouts. I finally came across Skip’s program. It was exactly what I was looking for. He makes it very easy to understand. I’m very happy with my progress now. I’ve lost 58 pounds and the proof is in the results.
Talking to Skip, the real deal, gave me the confidence that I was not wasting my time anymore. And I applied it. My biggest takeaways were just how important nutrition is and how the ’80-20 Rule’ applies to fitness. Thanks for everything, Skip.
Gary Hewitt
Age 58
Winnipeg, Canada
The TOP 10 Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face
90-Minute Video Presentation

In this special BONUS video presentation, I break down the “Top 10 Fitness Challenges” that men who are a little bit older with busy, productive lives face when trying to master their training and eating habits and improving their physical appearance.
It’s 1 hour and 28 minutes of PURE POWER!
This video will PRIME you for long-term success. It will build a rock-solid MENTAL FOUNDATION that will make the specific, detailed training, eating, mindset, and sustainable lifestyle strategies that we cover during our one-on-one coaching session and during the 12 audio modules make more sense. You’ll also get a convenient audio recording of these “Top 10” to learn from over and over again.
Over 11 Hours Of Coaching and Guidance Specifically-Designed To Help Older Men Take Their Fitness To A Higher Level
Here’s What You’ll Learn
Nutrition: Breaking It Down And Putting It Back Together Again
1 hour; 8 minutes
#2 – Training For Older Men:
The Organizing Principles That Make Any Training Program Work
59 minutes
#3 – Winning Mindset and Habits For Older Men:
Effective Systems Are What Men Our Age Need Most
49 minutes
#4 – Training For Older Men:
How Much Muscle Can You Expect To Gain At This Age?
42 minutes
#5 – Training For Older Men:
How To Create A Sustainable Training System That Works
51 minutes
#6 – Winning Mindset and Habits For Older Men:
How To Know When You Are Making Progress (And When You Are Not)
1 hour; 18 minutes
#7 – Nutrition For Older Men:
How To Eat To Get Into The Top 5% Of Fit Older Men Group
59 minutes
#8 – Winning Mindset and Habits For Older Men:
How To Get Back On Track Step By Step
32 minutes
#9 – Winning Mindset and Habits For Older Men:
The Top 10 LIES Older Men Are Told About Fitness
1 hour; 8 minutes
#10 – Training, Nutrition, Winning Mindset and Habits For Older Men:
Specific Fitness Problems Older Men Face And Their Solutions
45 minutes
#11 – Training, Nutrition, Winning Mindset and Habits For Older Men:
More Solutions To The Most Common Fitness Challenges That Older Men Face
52 minutes
#12 – Winning Mindset and Habits For Older Men:
The Rituals, Habits, And Thinking Patterns Of The Fittest Older Men
1 hour; 16 minutes
Listen To The CLARITY You’ll Get And Then TAKE ACTION And Enroll
The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
✔️ Your USERNAME and PASSWORD will be emailed to you right away. Look for an email with the subject line: Congrats! You’re Registered.
✔️ I will contact you by email right away to set up your one-on-one coaching session with me. Look for an email with the subject line: Hi! It’s Skip La Cour (personal email)
The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
Here Are 5 Major Benefits You’ll Experience From This Audio Coaching Experience:
2. You’ll Understand How The “80-20 Rule” Applies To Reaching Your Fitness Goals. You’ll know exactly what you’ll need to focus on and, more importantly, what you do NOT need to focus on. You’ll know the “20 things out of 100,” so to speak, that will have the biggest impact on your fitness in the shortest period of time.
3. You’ll Be Able to “Drive Down The Freeway” With Certainty. When I was a teenager and before there was GPS, I can’t tell you how many times I anxiously drove down the freeway wondering if I was going in the right direction. Sometimes, I was and didn’t realize it. Sometimes, I wasn’t and found out later. Most of the time, I was uncertain. It would always ruin my driving experience even if I found out later on that I was going the right way the entire journey. It’s hard to stay committed, stay disciplined, and follow through on a consistent basis during the uncertain times that everyone goes through during their fitness journey. You’ll know you’re going in the right direction every mile of your fitness journey because I’ll prepare you for what’s ahead with your body and your mind.
4. You Will Be Provided With Both The “Fish” And The “Fishing Pole.” There’s a saying that goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” You’ll not only learn how to get the most out of a training routine and diet that’s specific to you, your needs, and your lifestyle, you’ll completely understand WHY it will work for you. You’ll understand the organizing success principles that make any training program and diet work.
5. You’ll Know How This Fitness Process Works For The Rest Of Your Life. If you ever go through a period of time in the future when you get really busy, distracted, stop training and gain a few pounds, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to get back into shape. It will just be a matter of doing what you know. You’ll have that knowledge. You’ll have that positive outlook. You’ll have that sense of control. That’s a great place to be.
The truth is they are 95% the same. There are organizing principles common in all of them and make them successful.
In this comprehensive coaching package, you’ll learn what they are and your confusion will be gone forever. That’s my promise to you. That, and a whole lot more.
— Skip La Cour
The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
✔️ Your USERNAME and PASSWORD will be emailed to you right away. Look for an email with the subject line: Congrats! You’re Registered.
✔️ I will contact you by email right away to set up your one-on-one coaching session with me. Look for an email with the subject line: Hi! It’s Skip La Cour (personal email)
The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
Tom Lost 100 Pounds!
“Keep It Simple And Know Why You’re Doing What You’re Doing”

I enjoy how Skip was able to show me that my thoughts were good and had me heading the correct direction, but they were not complete. I had to have the help to manage the ‘Why’ and make sure that I understood the meaning and purpose of every step I took. This was especially helpful during the pandemic because I was able to refocus and continue the path in new areas.
My biggest takeaways we to keep it simple and know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Thanks for everything!”
Tom Herman
Age 54
Lipan, TX
All About Skip La Cour
At 58 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s #1 authority for Workouts for Older Men, Longevity for Older Men and Personal Development for Older Men.
He helps older men like you get in shape. He is the creator of the ??? ???????????? ?????? and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. La Cour helps men like you who are a little older become their best both inside AND outside of the gym.
La Cour helps older men with busy, productive lives make sense out of all the extreme and oftentimes conflicting fitness information. He helps older men with busy, productive lives use their willpower, focus, energy, and time efficiently to reach their fitness and overall life goals with the most effective, age-appropriate systems and strategies.
To learn more about Skip La Cour and visit tbe Workouts for Older Men website packed with videos, blog posts, and podcasts, go here:
The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
✔️ Your USERNAME and PASSWORD will be emailed to you right away. Look for an email with the subject line: Congrats! You’re Registered.
✔️ I will contact you by email right away to set up your one-on-one coaching session with me. Look for an email with the subject line: Hi! It’s Skip La Cour (personal email)
The Biggest Fitness Challenges Older Men Face And Their Solutions
Do You Have Questions? Concerns?
I Want You To Feel 100% Certain About Your Investment!
Email me directly at or just pick up the phone and call me at
(925)352-4366 - WhatsApp +19253524366.
Come Along On Our FITNESS JOURNEY for Older Men
(And A Lot More)
Read what it is all about. Fill out the questionnaire.
You can also call or text me at 925-352-4366. WhatsApp is +19253524366. We’ll set up some time to talk to see if one-on-one coaching is a good fit for you.
Do You Have Questions? Concerns?
I Want You To Feel 100% Certain About Your Investment!
Email me directly at or just pick up the phone and call me at
(925)352-4366 - WhatsApp +19253524366.