Re-inventing Yourself Into Something BETTER
Cardio University #4
We’ve all been there.
They are some of the most challenging times that we face.
When do you just need to keep on doing what you’re doing and when is it time to quit? How do you ever know for sure?
When is deciding to change direction in your life being smart or just being lazy?
In these fast-changing times, you’ll more than likely need to re-invent yourself once or twice. Mental and emotional flexibility is needed during these critical times.
Imagine how fun the “game” of life will be to “play” when you have the mental and emotional flexibly to change directions when it’s the right time.
This week’s Cardio University Tribe Special Offer. Free 30-minute one-on-one session with me on the phone for any course investment. The first people who jump on this offer will get the first and best available time slots. This is an awesome way to set up your Cardio University agenda.
We must constantly introduce ourselves to new thoughts and ideas to get to the next level. We must steal time.
Cardio University, every single day, is an awesome way for us to be healthy, connect, stay focused on what we want, and introduce ourselves to new thoughts and ideas.
Want some suggestions on what to learn while doing your own Cardio University sessions? Go to
I will broadcast live for 10 minutes every morning on:
Facebook (SkipLaCourPage)
Instagram (skiplacour)
And then the two-minute highlights will be posted on YouTube (skiplacour)
The full video versions will be at and
You can listen to the podcasted versions on iTunes, Stitcher, and Blog Talk Radio. Search “MANformation.”

Did you get yours in? My mind is RACING LIKE A MADMAN from the reading I did this morning during Cardio University!
Today’s “Cardio University” Takeways
This is what I pulled from my one-hour session reading/cardio today:
What I know about you:
You’ve been right about yourself all along. There is a lot more for you to get in life. You just need to align your talents and abilities.
You did things the way other people told you to. That’s the reason why you aren’t where you want to be in life yet. What do they know about you?
It’s not too late to be great. Don’t ever forget that.
No one can tell you what to do and not do. Not even me. But caring people can offer you objectively, perspective, and maybe some options you never considered.
Screw people and their opinions of you! Guys like you and me are willing to go the extra mile with our personal development. . . and they are comfortable staying the same.
How about you?
I encourage you to join me for one hour a day of growth.
See you tomorrow morning.
Do You Have Questions? Concerns?
Email me directly at or just pick up the phone and call me at (213)973-8790.