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Morning Connection
With Skip La Cour
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Take Advantage of the Morning Connection MANformation Course Special with a FREE 90-minute, One-On-One Goal Setting Coaching Session with Me
Confidence – Certainty – Imagination – Control
Empowering Step By Step Course That Builds SUPREME CONFIDENCE Without Being Arrogant

MANformation Confidence and Leadership Course
“The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader”
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Get Instant, Lifetime Access Into the MANformation Confidence And Leadership Course In Skip La Cour’s Exclusive Members Only Website Area.
There’s A “Code To Crack” That Will Make You More Confident In Your Thoughts And Actions
MANformation “The Mindset And Actions Of A Powerful Alpha Male Leader” is an extremely powerful personal development course that outlines and explains the qualities, characteristics, and actions of the most powerful, influential, and charismatic men in the world. It is a structured series of Alpha Male confidence and leadership strategies that will transform you into the MAN you really want to be.

Imagine for a moment . . .
You know you have a lot to be thankful for. Lacking confidence isn’t that big of a challenge.
But even when you know you’re doing “better than most” it’s still not good enough for you. You know you have so much more potential that needs to be used.
You want “the next level” and you wonder sometimes if you’re even going to get there.
You’re not alone. A lot of great men who are doing pretty well in life feel exactly that same way.
Imagine what it would feel like to have SUPREME CONFIDENCE in every social situation.
You have more confidence in the areas of life that you’re already pretty good at.
You have more confidence in those areas of life that you shy away from now because you feel uncertain and uneasy.
How awesome would it be to speak up and say the right thing at the right time–or say nothing at all when that’s more appropriate?
Imagine standing in a room with a sense of calmness and poise observing the people around you instead of worrying about what they’re thinking about you.
How amazing would it feel to hang out with the big dogs, movers, and shakers in your social circle?
How would it feel to know that you belong in that group of men?
You’re one of them.
Personal development is the ultimate “game.” You win some. You lose some. There are a lot of “no decisions.”
You must keep on moving forward in good times and in bad. You really have no other choice.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a structured “game plan” in place and an effective, daily “workout” to follow that leads to success?
A step by step plan.
A powerful template.
Imagine the sense of control that would bring with it.
Imagine going on a journey to finally start living up to all of that potential you know you have. Your journey to become the man you know you can be.
Your MANformation.
You walk, talk, speak, interact, take action, and THINK more confidently.
And you follow your powerful, daily MANformation “workout” plan.
Step by step. One productive day at a time. You’re getting closer every single day and loving the process.
How would it feel to have a bigger and more meaningful purpose in your life? You’re becoming a better man for your family (or future family) and the people you want to help.
Take action now.
Your future is waiting.
It’s not too late to be great.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Each session can be listened to on your phone, tablet, or desktop. You can also download the sound files and listen them anywhere. Each session comes with a workbook that maximizes your learning experience. You can download new workbooks every single time you go through the course.
Immediately after you register and enroll, you’ll get INSTANT access into the Members Only website so you can start devouring the information right away.
✔ Session One – Why “Nice Guys” Finish Last
✔ Session Two – The Body Language Of A Powerful Alpha Leader
✔ Session Three – The Specific Influence, Persuasion, and Charismatic Skills Of An Alpha Leader
✔ Session Four – The Structured Thoughts, Actions, And Lifestyle Of A Powerful Alpha Leader
✔ Session Five – Goal-Setting Workshop – Alpha Leader-Style
✔ Session Six – Successfully Integrating The Thoughts And Actions Of An Alpha Leader Into Your Lifestyle
✔ BONUS – MANformation Training Video Series
Session One
Why “Nice Guys” Finish Last
(1 hour and 54 minutes)

The reason why you are not getting what you want in life-at the level you really want-may be in how you are defining the word “nice” in critical situations in your life. Alpha Leaders interpret being “nice” as mature, productive MEN. Conversely, Passive Followers who struggle to get what they want in life still think and act like the obedient little BOYS that they were expected to be when they were young.
Learn dozens of the most-insightful SPECIFIC differences in the way an Alpha Leader interprets being “nice” and “fair” compared to less-dominant men and passive followers. Adopt this Alpha Leader mindset, even the playing field, and FINALLY begin to win at the level you want to win.
Session Two
The Body Language Of A Powerful Alpha Leader
(1 hour and 58 minutes)

You can spot a powerful and charismatic Alpha Leader the moment he walks into a room, can’t you? Why do you think it is so obvious to everyone that he is “the man” without knowing a thing about him?
Learn dozens of the most-intriguing, SPECIFIC things an Alpha Leader does with his body language, facial expressions, eye movements, and voice qualities in certain situations that transmits his strength, certainty, and confidence. Also, learn what he will NEVER do in other situations because doing so will take away from his powerful presence. Adopt this body language at the appropriate time and become more influential, persuasive, and charismatic to those people around you.
“Skip La Cour’s messages in MANformation ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader’ are insightful, poignant, and thought provoking. I find myself listening to each session multiple times for fear of missing something and the internal desire to drive home these life-changing concepts. The first session alone was worth the price of admission!”
Session Three
The Specific Influence, Persuasion, and Charismatic Skills Of An Alpha Leader
(2 hours and 4 minutes)

The Alpha Leader has the amazing ability to get other people to willingly, joyfully, and enthusiastically help him get what he wants in his life.
Learn dozens of the most influential, persuasive, and charismatic skills of an Alpha Leader. Adopt these winning skills and you, too, will get people excited to help you get what YOU want.
Session Four
The Structured Thoughts, Actions, And Lifestyle Of A Powerful Alpha Leader
(2 hours and 11 minutes)

Learn dozens of the SPECIFIC ways an Alpha Leader structures his day and gets himself to follow through with what he knows he needs to do to get what he wants in life.
Adopt this structure and you’ll start leading your own life more effectively-and leading others too.
“This information that you shared in ‘MANformation The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader’ was EXACTLY what I needed at this stage of my life. I had a pretty decent amount of confidence already but this course took things to a much higher level in a really short period of time. It was like you were speaking directly to me and that’s what made the lessons crystal clear in my mind.”
Session Five
Goal-Setting Workshop – Alpha Leader-Style
(1 hour and 58 minutes)

An Alpha Leader wins in life at an incredible level because of his outrageous standards, tremendously high expectations, and lofty goals. With what you’ve learned during the previous four Seminar sessions, you will NOW be ready to start going for what you REALLY want out of your life-instead of only what you’ve been settling for in the past.
This goal-setting session will make you more assertive, create an Alpha Leader model to aspire toward, and get you to enthusiastically work toward it.
Session Six
Successfully Integrating The Thoughts And Actions Of An Alpha Leader Into Your Lifestyle
(1 hour and 32 minutes)

Learn dozens of the most-effective, SPECIFIC strategies an Alpha Leader executes for CONTINUAL mental, emotional, psychological, and physical growth.
When you execute these powerful and charismatic leadership strategies, you will enjoy CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT in your Alpha Leader thoughts and actions.
“Like many people around the world, my first attraction to Skip La Cour was for what he accomplished as a bodybuilder and leader in the natural bodybuilding world. I really respected that about him and I wanted to do the same. When I saw that he was offering a ‘confidence and leadership’ course, I was intrigued. MANformation ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader’ came into my life at a time when I really needed it. It changed my beliefs about how I should conduct myself as a man in such a powerful way. The course was definitely the beginning of a mental and emotional growth spurt that I’ve been experiencing for a long time now. I don’t want to think about how my life would have continued if I wasn’t shaken up with this course in such a meaningful way.”

MANformation Training Video Series
You’ll also get 12 “quick start” short videos of the most-talked about and most mind-shifting concepts that have impacted the men who have gone through the MANformation “Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader” course over the years.
“I came to Skip La Cour for coaching because I respected him as a bodybuilder. I’ve wanted to cross entering a bodybuilding contest off of my ‘bucket list’ for a very long time and I knew that he could help me do that. What I got from Skip as a coach and mentor was so much more powerful and meaningful in my life than what I thought I needed. Sure, I did really well in my contests. But Skip insisted that I invest in his MANformation ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Powerful Alpha Male Leader’ and listen to it while I was preparing for my show. He knew exactly what I needed before even I did. My life will never be the same as I am getting closer and closer to becoming the the MAN who I’ve always wanted to be and this course is what started the incredible shift in my mindset.”
Here’s what you’ll get:
Each session can be listened to on your phone, tablet, or desktop. You can also download the sound files and listen them anywhere. Each session comes with a workbook that maximizes your learning experience. You can download new workbooks every single time you go through the course.
Immediately after you register and enroll, you’ll get INSTANT access into the Members Only website so you can start devouring the information right away.
✔ Session One – Why “Nice Guys” Finish Last
✔ Session Two – The Body Language Of A Powerful Alpha Leader
✔ Session Three – The Specific Influence, Persuasion, and Charismatic Skills Of An Alpha Leader
✔ Session Four – The Structured Thoughts, Actions, And Lifestyle Of A Powerful Alpha Leader
✔ Session Five – Goal-Setting Workshop – Alpha Leader-Style
✔ Session Six – Successfully Integrating The Thoughts And Actions Of An Alpha Leader Into Your Lifestyle
✔ BONUS – MANformation Training Video Series
Get Instant, Lifetime Access Into the MANformation Confidence And Leadership Course In Skip La Cour’s Exclusive Members Only Website Area.
Do You Have Questions? Concerns?
I Want You To Feel 100% Certain About Your Investment!
Email me directly at skip@skiplacour.com or just pick up the phone and call me at
(925)352-4366 - WhatsApp +19253524366.