Get Far Better Results With Less Confusion And In Less Time With The RIGHT Coaching!
Bodybuilding and Training
MASTERY Step By Step
“The Mindset And Actions Of A Champion”

At 62 years old, Skip La Cour is the world’s leading MANformation Expert and a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder. He helps men become their best both inside AND outside of the gym. La Cour helps older men with busy, productive lives make sense out of all the extreme and oftentimes conflicting fitness information. He helps older men with busy, productive lives use their willpower, focus, energy, and time effectively and efficiently to reach their fitness and overall life goals.
I know what you’re thinking.
Here’s another “system” that sounds good.
I know. I used to think the same way too.
Some programs are just too good to be true.
The person giving the advice seems knowledgeable. He’s definitely passionate. Whatever he’s doing works for him. There’s even a few testimonials.
But will it work for you?
You’ve been down this road before, right? It didn’t turn out well. You didn’t get the results you wanted. You didn’t stick with the program. You’re more confused now than ever.
You’re almost numb to new information because someone else will tell you what you’re doing is wrong. They tell you that you’re just wasting your time if you don’t do it their way.
Will this work for you?
What makes this different than all of the rest?
Sure, this course offers you rock-solid training and eating strategies.
This program is special. It brilliantly works on your MIND. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to make your bodybuilding and training efforts pay off BIG TIME.
Bodybuilding and Training MASTERY: Step By Step “The Mindset And Actions Of A Champion”, my comprehensive audio seminar course, will help you get RESULTS from almost any legitimate training and eating strategy that you follow.
Imagine what it will feel like to have certainty and confidence.
Confidence that you’ll make any strategy work.
Imagine what it will feel like to identify all of the GOOD in the different information that seems conflicting now.
Imagine what it will feel like to finally follow through and give yourself the best chance to reach your goals.
In this step-by-step, organized course, I take you through the physical, mental, emotional, and psychological steps you need to earn the body you want. And, he does so the way only a Seasoned Champion and Master Teacher can.
This quality coaching and insight normally costs THOUSANDS of dollars. Think about it. Think about the time and energy you’d WASTE with trial and error. Think about the time and EXPERTISE it takes to bring you up to speed sooner rather than later. Those costs add up over time.
But, now it’s yours for a fraction of that investment.
Why re-invent the wheel? Why risk time? Why go through the frustration and overwhelm that even determined lifters endure when you don’t have to?
This course is THOROUGH. You get workbooks, downloads, and other bonuses too. You’ll also have lifetime access in the Members Only website.
Take action NOW. Invest in yourself to end your confusion and overwhelm.
Create that body you imagined and finally wanted to earn.
Get in with the current group of men because you don’t want to be left out.
Get Instant, Lifetime Access Into the Bodybuilding and Training MASTERY Step By Step Course In Skip La Cour’s Exclusive Members Only Website Area.

Here’s what you’ll get:
Each session can be listened to on your phone, tablet, or desktop. You can also download the sound files and listen them anywhere. Each session comes with a workbook that maximizes your learning experience. You can download new workbooks every single time you go through the course.
Immediately after you register and enroll, you’ll get INSTANT access into the Members Only website so you can start devouring the information right away.
Session One
The Mindset Of A Champion
(2 hours and 26 minutes)

Session Two
Train Like A Champion
(2 hours and 27 minutes)

“Another example of your outstanding service and products!”
“’The Mindset and Actions of a Champion’ is another example of your outstanding service and products! I will listen to the program again and again. Thank you, Skip, for your dedication and service to bodybuilding, fitness and the mental side of this awesome sport!”
Dr. Paul Henning PhD, Tallahassee, FL
Session Three
Eat Like A Champion
(2 hours and 12 minutes)

Session Four
The Structured Thoughts, Actions, And Lifestyle Of A Champion
(1 hour and 36 minutes)

“It helps to have the voice and insight of Skip La Cour to think logically about dieting, workouts, and stay on the path to success.”
“I feel that, no matter where someone is in their journey, they can benefit from ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Champion.’ It’s fortified with lots of great information from a widely-known, accomplished World Class athlete and coach. I believe the strength of this program comes from the centralized purpose of simply helping others succeed. Each stage is structured, well-rounded, sincere, and provides fuel for the fire to find the focus needed and keep the momentum going. Now that I have successfully completed all the sessions, I’ll review them to help me stay inside the guardrails as I work towards my goals. Sometimes in life when emotions run high, it helps to have the voice and insight of Skip La Cour to think logically about dieting, workouts, and stay on the path to success.”
Hank Uhlaender, Austin, TX
Session Five
Goal-Setting Workshop – Champion-Style
(2 hours and 29 minutes)

Session Six
Successfully Integrating The Thoughts And Actions Of A Champion Into Your Lifestyle
(1 hour and 41 minutes)

Questions And Answers Session
(50 minutes)

“I wish I had this information a long time ago.”
“I’ve been working out for a long time and really feel I as though I know what I’m doing. I’ve put in the time and effort. I’m that guy in the gym who everyone asks their bodybuilding and training questions–and I have a lot of confidence when giving them the right answers. So, when I learned about Skip La Cour’s course, Bodybuilding and Training MASTERY Step By Step: ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Champion,’ I really didn’t know how much it would help a person like me. But, because I have so much respect for Skip, what he’s accomplished, and the inexpensive investment for something that has like 13 hours of information, I figured I didn’t have much to lose. IT WAS THE BEST DECISION I’VE MADE IN A LONG TIME! I wish I had this information a long time ago.”
Carl Hagen, Phelen, CA

Here’s what you’ll get:
Each session can be listened to on your phone, tablet, or desktop. You can also download the sound files and listen them anywhere. Each session comes with a workbook that maximizes your learning experience. You can download new workbooks every single time you go through the course.
Immediately after you register and enroll, you’ll get INSTANT access into the Members Only website so you can start devouring the information right away.
✔ Session Two – Train Like A Champion
✔ Session Three – Eat Like A Champion
✔ Session Four – The Structured Thoughts, Actions, And Lifestyle Of A Champion
✔ Session Five – Goal-Setting Workshop – Champion-Style
✔ Session Six – Successfully Integrating The Thoughts And Actions Of A Champion Into Your Lifestyle
✔ BONUS Session – Questions And Answers
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
That’s right! You can sign up today and take this amazing offer for a test drive for a full 30 days, without having to worry about a thing, brother.
Get Instant, Lifetime Access Into the Bodybuilding and Training MASTERY Step By Step Course In Skip La Cour’s Exclusive Members Only Website Area.
Regular Price $147
Special Price $97
“I felt like he was talking directly to me many times throughout this outstanding course.”
“Skip La Cour is the ULTIMATE Coach and Mentor. I really feel I got to know him personally and almost as a father-figure by the time I finished Bodybuilding and Training MASTERY Step By Step: ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Champion.’I felt like he was talking directly to me many times throughout this outstanding course. He addressed the obstacles and challenges that I was going through even before I realize that I was going through them. It was an incredible experience. Obviously, he really knows his stuff when it comes to simple and effective bodybuilding and training strategies. That’s a given. What I believe that sets Skip La Cour apart from all of the other fitness experts and coaches offering their advice is that he does what he does so well for YOU. There’s absolutely no ego in his style of coaching and teaching at all. I really appreciate that about him.”
Tyler Leenknecht, Renton, WA
“This has altered every area of my life, EVERY AREA!”
“I want to take a moment to thank you for an amazing seminar, The Mindset and Actions of a Champion. I originally thought that this seminar would just be about taking my bodybuilding to the next level but I received so much more. This seminar has altered every area of my life, EVERY AREA! I feel like I have won the lottery with the amount of information that I have been given. Being able to go back and listen to the seminar any time I want is a huge plus as well because every time I listen to it, I learn something new that I missed the previous time. Look, this seminar was obviously intended for anyone who wants to succeed, not only in bodybuilding, but in life – period!”
Rich Bunnell, Plantsville, CT
Get Instant, Lifetime Access Into the Bodybuilding and Training MASTERY Step By Step Course In Skip La Cour’s Exclusive Members Only Website Area.
Regular Price $147
Special Price $97
“Learn from a proven Champion and save yourself lots of wasted energy, frustration, and time.”
“Learn the ‘Real Stuff’ a Champion MUST know but more importantly the ‘Real Stuff’ that makes a Champion, a Champion! You won’t find this knowledge on bodybuilding website. What Skip teaches in Bodybuilding and Training Mastery Step By Step: ‘The Mindset and Actions of a Champion.’ goes beyond sets and reps, nutrition, and supplements. Skip teaches what really matters if your desire is to become a Champion. Learn from a proven Champion and save yourself lots of wasted energy, frustration, and time. And, the best thing is what you learn can make you a Champion in all aspects of your life!”
Tom Anthony Roehl, Greenfield, WI
Do You Have Questions? Concerns?
I Want You To Feel 100% Certain About Your Investment!
Email me directly at or just pick up the phone and call me at
(925)352-4366 - WhatsApp +19253524366.