The Best of Skip La Cour’s One-on-One Bodybuilding & Training
Phone Consultation Series
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Learn From Skip La Cour’s Expert Coaching and the Experiences of Other Men Dedicated to Their Bodybuilding and Training Goals Just Like YOU!

10 Hours Jam-Packed with Information and Inspiration and Ready For You To Listen To Immediately.
During these 10 hours of coaching sessions, Skip La Cour guides eight (8) different dedicated men in their 20s, 30, and 40s who want to build muscle, lose body fat, perform well in the gym, and look great.
These are all men who have families, demanding careers, and other responsibilities and are committed achieve their training and eating goals in the context of a balanced life.
Their training experience varies from 3 ½ months to 10 years. None of these gentlemen are competitive bodybuilders, have ever competed in a contest, or have plans to ever do so.
Skip La Cour has accumulated over 25 years of experience helping many different types people all over the world meet their bodybuilding, training, health, and fitness goals. His 25+ years of experience in the field of personal development, mental strategies, and motivation have given him a distinctive understanding of what motivates people and gets them to follow through with a plan. Along with his tremendous success as a six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder, this unique combination of experience, focus, and expertise enables him to create instant change for those wanting to take their training, nutrition, and lifestyle to a higher level.
One of the easiest ways to learn how to improve your level of knowledge and execution is from the experiences of other people. Listening to these phone consultations will make it significantly easier for you to step back and objectively look at your own challenges. These eight (8) phone consultations are jam-packed with over 10 hours of expert coaching—and you’ll directly benefit from them.
Here’s an overview of what you will learn from these phone consultations:
This audio coaching session will help you become your physical, mental, emotional, and psychological BEST in the context of your balanced life GUARANTEED.
Money Back Guarantee Offer
Skip La Cour is so confident that you’ll believe that this audio seminar course delivers far more of a value than the money that you invested that he’s offering a 100 PERCENT MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you are not satisfied. All that your new coach, Skip La Cour, asks of you is that you go through the entire program, take notes throughout it, fill out the exercises in the workbooks, and “leave it all on the floor” during your journey.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Each session can be listened to on your phone, tablet, or desktop. You can also download the sound files and listen them anywhere.
Immediately after you register and enroll, you’ll get INSTANT access into the Members Only website so you can start devouring the information right away.
Session One
This phone consultation is with a 32-year man who has been training consistently for 10 years. He is 5’ 9” tall and weighs 202 pounds. He describes himself as a “lifter”—not a serious competitive bodybuilder.
(1 hour and 22 minutes)

He has a demanding full-time job and is working hard towards starting his own business in the near future. He also has family responsibilities that must be managed. He’s married with a two-year old daughter.
One mental challenge that some people have with their bodybuilding and training efforts is that when they are “winning the game”— they feel like they are actually losing. This man has his eating plan on an Excel spreadsheet! Skip informs him that he is extremely disciplined, compared to the vast majority of people, in striving to live a healthy fitness lifestyle.
Skip explains how, in this internet age, anyone with any level of experience can publish information that seems credible. Skip also explains that, because there’s so much competition for your attention, many “experts” strive to be unique and controversial just to get your attention—and business.
Skip helps this gentleman realize that he already knows what he needs to do to earn the body he really wants. This man has adopted the belief that he is a victim of “self sabotage” and that’s why he doesn’t follow through as often as he should. Skip offers a more empowering explanation suggesting that he may have many other areas of his life that are already making him happy—and are diminishing his “hunger” for taking his body to the next level.
Skip takes him through an extremely effective coaching process that helps him identify SPECIFIC things he can do to make his bodybuilding and training journey more productive, fulfilling, and enjoyable. With Skip’s guidance, he creates a list of daily tasks that, when he follows through, he’ll enjoy the process at a greater level.
Skip also has him consider that he may be extremely hard on himself simply as a way to motivate himself.
Session Two
This phone consultation is with a 42-year old man who is extremely committed. He is reasonably satisfied with the way he looks. He is an engineer and a successful businessman. He’s married with two children— and still never misses his scheduled workouts. He’s willing to invest the time needed to reach his health and fitness goals—but he’s not willing to sacrifice the focus he needs to give his family and business.
(1 hour and 30 minutes)

This gentleman believes he needs to lose about five more pounds of body fat and wants to build more muscle in his chest and shoulder areas. He is confident with his training habits; he has little doubt he will achieve his physique develop goals. He is also extremely satisfied with his chosen nutritional habits. He realizes that he sometimes gets caught up with the minutia that’s associated with all of the training and nutrition information that’s available.
After he outlines the details of his current diet, Skip makes sure his understanding of nutrition is truly “good enough” for him to reach his ambitious goals.
Skip informs him that only “Next Level” eating strategies are what will get him even better at this important part of the physical development process than he is right now. Continuing to execute more of the same “very good” eating strategies will never make him “outstanding.” They will only keep him at “very good.” Skip outlines a step-by-step plan-of-attack that will take him to the next level. Skip gives this hard-working gentleman SPECIFIC nutritional strategies that he can immediately implement and get on the path toward becoming “outstanding.”
This man’s training goals are to become more muscular, healthy, and functional. He works out in his home gym and concentrates on functional, performance training (as opposed to just trying to build muscle mass). Skip offers some training and mental strategies to overcome his most challenging body parts—building more mass on his legs and shoulders. Skip answers his questions about adequate rest and recovery. Skip also gives his opinions of the supplement industry’s most commonly practiced marketing strategies to get a person’s business.
Session Three
This phone consultation is with a 22-year old man who has been training consistently for about two years. He’s 5’ 7” and weighs 180 pounds. He has a busy, full-time job with the highway department. He’s reasonably satisfied with the way his body looks. Just like many men, his overall physical development goal is to build more muscle and lose body fat.
(1 hour and 26 minutes)

This gentleman feels very comfortable with his approach to training but he struggles with his nutritional habits. He is extremely structured with his weight training and even records every workout performance in training log books.
Skip helps him identify SPECIFIC training habits that he can improve upon IMMEDIATELY to take his efforts to a higher level.
This gentleman has made the eating process so complicated in his own mind that he doesn’t follow through the way he knows he should. His “rationale” is that he doesn’t understand the fine points of nutrition. Skip offers some “tough love”; simplifies the fundamentals of sound nutrition; forces him face his aversion; and challenges him to start following through with everything he already knows he should do. Skip also simplifies the cardiovascular training process so that this gentleman starts following through.
Skip offers his thoughts as to why so many people in the gym need their strategies to be “black and white” in order to have the certainty and confidence to follow through on a consistent basis. And, he offers why many people make the process more difficult than it has to be in order to relieve themselves of the pressure associated with following through.
Session Four
This phone consultation is with a 48-year old man who suffers from “information overload.” So much so, that he has lost his confidence. He’s been involved in bodybuilding and training for many years—but simply hasn’t been able to get himself on track with all of the things he’s learned.
(1 hour and 30 minutes)

Many years ago, this gentleman enthusiastically started his bodybuilding and training journey and did very well—but for only about six months. When he began searching for more information in the bodybuilding and fitness magazines, all it did was make him frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed. All of the additional information available on the internet made him even more frustrated. So frustrated, he ended up quitting altogether.
Skip offers him with the empowering perspective he needs to simplify the thinking process, take action, and follow through on a consistent basis. Weight training, cardiovascular training, nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle organization strategies are all outlined in specific detail. Skip takes him through the process of creating a structured weekly schedule that addresses all the important areas of what it takes to reach his goals.
Session Five
This phone consultation is with a very committed 30-year old man who is 6 feet tall, 206 pounds, with about 11 percent body fat. He’s a level-headed man who wants live a balanced life with bodybuilding, training, and physical development being his passionate, enjoyable hobby.
(1 hour and 13 minutes)

This gentleman absolutely loves training in the gym and challenging himself to lift more weight. Strength in the gym is very important to him. And, he is very concerned about losing his hard-earned muscle whenever he starts dieting to lose body fat.
He feels exceedingly comfortable with his level of training knowledge. He believes that his nutritional habits are his biggest challenge and that’s what gets in the way of him having the body he really wants. He knows all about nutrition—that’s not his challenge. He just can’t get himself to follow through the way he knows he should.
He wants more size but is comfortable and patient with the muscle-building process. What he wants most is to lose some body fat. Skip forces him to come up with a SPECIFIC plan-of-attack (using all of the information he’s already gathered) that he believes will help him reach his goal.
Skip talks in depth about all of the information on the Internet and how to evaluate that information in a level-headed and objective manner.
Session Six
This phone consultation is with a 22-year old man who has been training consistently for one year. He’s been very dedicated to his training and feels comfortable that he knows what to do in the gym. His goals are to build more muscle, lose body fat, train hard in the gym, look and feel good.
(59 minutes)

This gentleman feels that the biggest challenge he has with his bodybuilding and training efforts is his eating habits. Skip insists that he become a “Master” in his approach to his eating habits—instead of being a “Dabbler.”
Skip outlines SPECIFIC basic fundamental nutritional strategies the he needs (at his current level) to get himself to a higher level. Skip outlines mental and lifestyle organizational strategies that will ensure his continued success.
Session Seven
This phone consultation is with 27-year old man who has been training consistently for seven years. He wants to build more muscle, lose body fat, live a structured lifestyle, and look great. He deals with so much stress on the job as a financial consultant, that he admits it interferes with his level of concentration in the gym.
(59 minutes)

In the past, this gentleman has had a challenge understanding all of the information he reads about bodybuilding and training. Skip explains the challenges that a person faces when trying to figure out what’s credible information and what’s not.
Skip helps him organize a SPECIFIC plan-of-attack that will help him get more enjoyment and fulfillment out of his bodybuilding and training journey. Skip also instructs him on how to best deal with his injuries.
Session Eight
This phone consultation is with a 44-year old, 6 foot tall, 185 pound man who has been training consistently for 3 ½ months. His goal is to be most in-shape, healthiest 44-year old man in his community. He is family man an administrator in higher education.
(1 hour; 2 minutes)

Skip outlines some tremendously effective MENTAL strategies when it comes to eating that will lead him to success.
Based on his own goals, life values, and time constraints, Skip guides him through a SPECIFIC action plan to help him achieve his physique development expectations.
Skip also discusses exercises that he can substitute while working around some of his injuries.

Here’s what you’ll get:
Each session can be listened to on your phone, tablet, or desktop. You can also download the sound files and listen them anywhere.
Immediately after you register and enroll, you’ll get INSTANT access into the Members Only website so you can start devouring the information right away.
✔ Session One – This phone consultation is with a 32-year man who has been training consistently for 10 years. He is 5’ 9” tall and weighs 202 pounds. He describes himself as a “lifter”—not a serious competitive bodybuilder.
✔ Session Two – This phone consultation is with a 42-year old man who is extremely committed. He is reasonably satisfied with the way he looks. He is an engineer and a successful businessman. He’s married with two children— and still never misses his scheduled workouts. He’s willing to invest the time needed to reach his health and fitness goals—but he’s not willing to sacrifice the focus he needs to give his family and business.
✔ Session Three – This phone consultation is with a 22-year old man who has been training consistently for about two years. He’s 5’ 7” and weighs 180 pounds. He has a busy, full-time job with the highway department. He’s reasonably satisfied with the way his body looks. Just like many men, his overall physical development goal is to build more muscle and lose body fat.
✔ Session Four – This phone consultation is with a 48-year old man who suffers from “information overload.” So much so, that he has lost his confidence. He’s been involved in bodybuilding and training for many years—but simply hasn’t been able to get himself on track with all of the things he’s learned.
✔ Session Five – This phone consultation is with a very committed 30-year old man who is 6 feet tall, 206 pounds, with about 11 percent body fat. He’s a level-headed man who wants live a balanced life with bodybuilding, training, and physical development being his passionate, enjoyable hobby.
✔ Session Six – This phone consultation is with a 22-year old man who has been training consistently for one year. He’s been very dedicated to his training and feels comfortable that he knows what to do in the gym. His goals are to build more muscle, lose body fat, train hard in the gym, look and feel good.
✔ Session Seven – This phone consultation is with 27-year old man who has been training consistently for seven years. He wants to build more muscle, lose body fat, live a structured lifestyle, and look great. He’s deals with so much stress on the job as a financial consultant, that he admits it interferes with his level of concentration in the gym.
✔ Session Eight – This phone consultation is with a 44-year old, 6 foot tall, 185 pound man who has been training consistently for 3 ½ months. His goal is to be most in-shape, healthiest 44-year old man in his community. He is family man an administrator in higher education.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
That’s right! You can sign up today and take this amazing offer for a test drive for a full 30 days, without having to worry about a thing, brother.
Get Instant, Lifetime Access Into The Best One-on-One Bodybuilding & Training Phone Consultation Series In Skip La Cour’s Exclusive Members Only Website Area.
Do You Have Questions? Concerns?
I Want You To Feel 100% Certain About Your Investment!
Email me directly at skip@skiplacour.com or just pick up the phone and call me at
(925)352-4366 - WhatsApp +19253524366.